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Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for Property Managers

EV Charging Installation

Discover electric vehicle charging station installation tips for property managers to drive sustainability, consumer traffic, and ROI.

Electric Vehicle Charging

The Shift to Electric Vehicles

Growing Importance of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

With the increasing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), the demand for accessible and reliable charging infrastructure has surged. Electric vehicle charging stations are essential for ensuring that EV owners can conveniently recharge their vehicles, thereby supporting the broader transition to sustainable transportation. Property management companies play a pivotal role in this shift by providing EV charging solutions for residents and tenants.

Benefits for Property Management Companies

For property managers, installing EV charging stations offers multiple advantages, ranging from increased property value to enhanced tenant satisfaction.

  1. Increased Property Value: Properties equipped with EV charging stations are often perceived as modern and forward-thinking. This can boost the property's market value and attract a broader range of potential tenants.

  2. Tenant Retention and Attraction: Providing EV charging infrastructure can significantly enhance tenant satisfaction. Environmentally conscious tenants are more likely to choose and remain in properties that support their sustainable lifestyle.

  3. Revenue Generation: Charging stations can serve as an additional revenue stream. Property managers can set competitive rates for charging services, which can contribute to new cash flow.

  4. Sustainability Goals: By facilitating the use of electric vehicles, property management companies can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. This can improve the company's reputation and appeal to eco-conscious clients.

By understanding the growing importance of EV charging stations and the benefits they offer, property managers can make informed decisions about how to integrate them into the property.

Planning for Installation

Assessing Property Needs

Before installing electric vehicle charging stations, it's essential for property managers to work with the CPO like Noch Power and assess the property. What can impact decisions around EV chargers?

  • Number of tenants with electric vehicles: Determine how many residents or employees currently own electric vehicles and project charging demand.

  • Parking space availability: Identify suitable locations within the property where charging stations can be installed without disrupting existing parking arrangements.

  • Electrical capacity: Evaluate the property's electrical infrastructure to ensure it can support the additional load of charging stations.

  • Accessibility and convenience: Choose locations that are easily accessible to tenants and visitors, ensuring convenience and encouraging usage.

A thorough assessment helps in making informed decisions and tailoring the installation to meet the property's unique needs.

Understanding Charging Station Options

There are several types of electric vehicle charging stations, each with different features and capabilities. Property management companies should understand these options to select the most suitable solution for their properties.


Charging Speed

Suitable For

Level 1

2-5 miles of range per hour

Residential and small-scale use

Level 2

10-20 miles of range per hour

Commercial properties, multi-family residences

DC Fast Chargers

60-80 miles of range per 20 minutes

High-traffic areas, commercial use

  • Level 1 Chargers: These chargers use a standard 120-volt outlet and are the slowest option, providing 2-5 miles of range per hour. They are suitable for residential properties or locations with low demand for fast charging.

  • Level 2 Chargers: These chargers require a 240-volt outlet and offer a faster charging speed, providing 10-20 miles of range per hour. They are ideal for commercial properties and multi-family residences where quicker charging is necessary.

  • DC Fast Chargers: These are the fastest option, providing 60-80 miles of range in just 20 minutes. They are suitable for high-traffic areas and commercial properties where rapid charging is essential.

Installation Process

Preparing the Property

First, it's crucial to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the property's electrical capacity and infrastructure as we mentioned before. This ensures that the existing electrical system can support the additional load and we can provide the applicable models that are right for your property.

Working with Contractors

Selecting the right contractors is crucial for a successful installation. Coordinate closely with the contractors to develop a detailed installation plan. This plan should outline the timeline, budget, and scope of work. Regular communication is key to addressing any issues that may arise during the installation process (There is always something!). Consider the following when working with contractors:

  • Verify their experience and credentials

  • Review past projects and references

  • Ensure they understand local regulations and codes

  • Establish clear communication channels

Ensuring Compliance with Regulations

Compliance with local, state, and federal regulations is essential when installing electric vehicle charging stations. Regulations can vary widely, so it's important to be aware of the specific requirements in your area. Key areas of compliance include:

Regulation Area


Electrical Codes

Ensure wiring and components meet local building codes and standards

Building Permits

Obtain necessary permits before starting work


Ensure stations are accessible to all users and follow ADA compliance with the city.


Comply with regulations on emissions and waste

Working with knowledgeable contractors can help navigate these regulations, ensuring that the installation is both legal and safe. Regular inspections and maintenance can further ensure ongoing compliance and functionality. For ongoing maintenance tips, refer to our article on electric vehicle charging station maintenance.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Proper maintenance and upkeep of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are essential for ensuring your patrons are happy and you get paid. This section will cover the importance of regular inspections and maintenance, as well as how to handle repairs and upgrades.

Regular Inspections and Maintenance

Regular inspections are crucial for identifying any potential issues before they become significant problems. Property management companies should establish a routine maintenance schedule to ensure that all components of the charging stations are functioning correctly. Noch Power use AI to view hardware metrics and pre-emptively address operating concerns.

Key aspects to include in regular inspections:

  • Visual Inspection: Monthly, check for any visible damage or wear on the charging stations and cables.

  • Electrical Testing: Each quarter, ensure that the electrical connections are secure and that there are no signs of overheating.

  • Software Updates: Twice per year, Verify that the charging stations' software is up-to-date to maximize performance and security.

  • Cleaning: Keep the charging stations clean and free from debris to prevent any operational issues each month.

For more detailed information on maintaining EV charging stations, visit our article on electric vehicle charging station maintenance.

Cost Considerations

When installing electric vehicle charging stations, property management companies need to evaluate various cost factors. Understanding the initial investment, operational costs, and potential return on investment will help in making informed decisions. You can read more here on the cost vs. benefit of installing electric vehicle chargers.

Initial Investment

The initial investment for electric vehicle charging station installation can vary based on several factors such as the type of charging station, the number of units, and installation complexity. For instance, if you are replacing an existing charger with the same type, costs are significantly reduced in comparison to a brand new construction. Initial costs vary greatly, but typically include the purchase of the charging stations, electrical work, and any necessary upgrades to the existing infrastructure or permits. Here's a starting estimate for a Level 2 charger:

Cost Component

Estimated Cost Range ($)

Charging Station Unit (Level 2)

$5,000 - $8,000 per charger

Electrical Upgrades

Dependent on the property assessment

Installation Labor

~$10,000 - $20,000 per charger

Permits and Inspections

$100 - $500

Return on Investment

The return on investment (ROI) for electric vehicle charging stations can be significant, particularly for properties that attract environmentally conscious tenants or have high traffic locations for shopping and restaurants. ROI can be achieved through various revenue streams such as charging fees, increased property value, and enhanced tenant satisfaction and often pay off installation costs in just a few months.


We hope you've gained valuable insights into EV charging stations, including how to plan and prepare for their installation on your property, as well as a realistic understanding of the associated costs.

Noch Power offers various incentives and programs to support property managers, providing comprehensive services that cover hardware manufacturing, installation, and ongoing maintenance of each station.

If you’re interested in adding EV infrastructure, please reach out for a free assessment and service quote - we’d be happy to assist you.


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