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Electric Vehicle (EV) Glossary

Dive into the world of EV charging with our extensive glossary. From 'AC and DC charging' to 'ZEV mandates,' understand the key terms that define the industry. Ideal for commercial property owners, EV enthusiasts, and industry professionals, this glossary is your go-to resource for becoming fluent in the language of EV charging stations, especially before you jump into the space as a customer or operator. Explore concepts, technical specifications, and industry standards that will empower your decisions in the evolving landscape of electric vehicles.

A Comprehensive Glossary of EV Charging Terms & Definitions

AC (Alternating Current): Electric current that reverses direction periodically, used in standard home and public EV chargers.

AC Level 2 Charger: A medium-speed charger that uses alternating current, common in residential and commercial locations.

Adapter: A device allowing compatibility between different types of EV charging connectors and outlets.

Ampere (Amp): Unit of electric current; more amps can mean faster EV charging.

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV): A vehicle powered exclusively by electric batteries without a gasoline engine.

Battery Management System (BMS): Manages a battery's output, charging, and health to ensure safety and longevity.

Battery Swapping: Replacing a depleted EV battery with a fully charged one, a method of "charging" that is quick but less common.

CCS (Combined Charging System): A standard for charging electric vehicles, allowing for AC and DC charging.

Chademo: A fast-charging DC standard primarily used by Japanese EV manufacturers.

Charging Capacity: The maximum rate at which an EV's battery can be charged, measured in kilowatts (kW).

Charging Efficiency: The ratio of energy that is successfully used to charge the EV's battery versus the energy supplied.

Charging Hub: A location with multiple charging stations, allowing several EVs to charge simultaneously.

Charging Network: A collection of interconnected EV charging stations.

Charging Pile: Another term for an EV charging station, commonly used in Asia.

Charging Point: An individual unit where an electric vehicle can be charged.

Charging Protocol: A set standard that defines the communication between an EV and charging station.

Charging Session: The period during which an EV is connected and charging.

Charging Station: A station that houses one or more charging points for EVs.

Connector: The plug that connects an EV to a charging point.

Conductive Charging: Charging through a physical connection, like a cable.

DC (Direct Current): Electric current that flows in one direction, used for rapid EV charging.

Demand Charge: Fee for commercial customers based on peak power usage.

Destination Charging: Charging stations at locations where vehicles park for extended periods.

Emission Standards: Regulations limiting vehicle pollutant emissions.

Electrification: Replacing technologies that use fossil fuels with those that use electricity.

EV: Electric Vehicle, powered by an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine.

EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment): The equipment needed to charge an EV.

Fast Charger: A charger that can significantly replenish an EV’s battery in less than an hour.

Fast Charging: A method of quickly charging an EV using high-power DC.

Fleet Electrification: Converting commercial vehicles to electric power.

Grid: The network of power lines and stations that distribute electricity.

HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle): A vehicle with both an electric motor and a conventional engine.

Home Charging: Charging an EV at home, usually overnight, using a personal charging station.

Inductive Charging: Wireless EV charging through electromagnetic fields.

Infrastructure: Physical hardware required for EV charging, including stations and grids.

Interconnection: Linkage of EV charging stations with the electrical grid.

Interoperability: Different EV chargers and vehicles working together.

J1772: Standard connector for Level 1 and Level 2 EV charging in North America.

Kilowatt (kW): Unit of power; EV chargers are categorized by their kW rating.

Kilowatt-Hour (kWh): Unit of energy; EV batteries are rated in kWh for capacity.

Level 1 Charging: EV charging using a standard 120V household outlet.

Level 2 Charging: Faster EV charging using a 240V outlet. Often 30-60 minutes to charge.

Level 3 Charging: Also known as DC fast charging, providing rapid power at high voltages. Often this can charge within 15 minutes. 

Load Balancing: Distributing electrical power across chargers to optimize charging.

Mennekes Connector: Type 2, a common AC charging connector in Europe.

Mobile Charger: A portable EV charging unit for various locations.

Network Operator: A company operating a network of EV charging stations.

Off-Peak Charging: Charging an EV when electricity demand is low.

Ohm’s Law: Principle where Voltage = Current x Resistance, relevant to EV charging.

PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle): A vehicle with an electric motor and a gasoline engine that can be recharged by plugging in.

Peak Charging: Charging an EV during peak electricity demand times, often when it is most expensive per kwh.

Plug-and-Charge: Automatic charging start when an EV is plugged into a compatible station.

Power Factor: Efficiency of electric power use; higher power factor means more efficient charging.

Public Charging: Charging stations available for public use.

Range: The distance an EV can travel on a single charge.

Range Anxiety: Fear that an EV does not have sufficient range to reach the destination.

Range Extender: A secondary power source in EVs to increase driving range.

Regenerative Braking: Capturing kinetic energy during braking and converting it to electric energy.

Renewable Energy: Energy from processes like solar or wind power.

RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification): Technology used for user authentication at charging stations.

SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers, setting many EV charging standards.

Smart Charger: An EV charger that can connect to the internet for remote management.

State of Charge (SOC): The current battery level of an EV as a percentage of total capacity.

Sustainability: Practices that do not deplete resources or harm ecological systems.

Tariff: Pricing structure for electricity that varies based on usage level.

Telematics: Transmission of information used in EVs for charging data and other functions.

Time-of-Use (TOU) Rates: Variable electricity pricing based on the time of day.

Type 1 Connector: AC charging connector used in North America and Japan.

Type 2 Connector: European standard AC charging connector.

UL Listed: Safety certification by Underwriters Laboratories for charging stations.

V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid): Allowing energy from an EV battery to be returned to the power grid.

Vehicle-to-Home (V2H): An EV's battery supplying energy back to a home.


Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V): One EV charging another EV's battery.


Volt (V): Measurement of electrical potential difference.


Wallbox: A wall-mounted EV charging station for home or private parking.


Watt (W): Basic unit of power, equivalent to one joule per second.


Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV): A vehicle that emits no exhaust gas from the onboard source of power.


ZEV Credit: Credits awarded to automakers for selling zero-emission vehicles.


ZEV Mandate: Regulation requiring automakers to produce a certain number of zero-emission vehicles.

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